
Small Spaces

Can I move in?

Knitting is for Pus****

Olek is a Polish born street artist who now resides in Gowanus, Brooklyn. Her goal is to "crochet everything that enters her space." Her latest project was crocheting the bull statue on Wall Street, which was inspired by the statues sculptor, Arturo Di Modica, who placed the bull on Wall Street without permission in 1989. However, unlike the bull, her artwork was taken down only a few hours later by a caretaker .

"A loop after a loop. Hour after hour my madness becomes crochet. Life and art are inseparable."

Olek has applied for a grant to do a project that will be in Times Square later in the year, I cant wait to see what she does next.

To see more of her work, click THIS


tex tile

"I knit for the true lovers." says Valerie Anne Mol­nar. She com­bines knit­ting and paint­ing to cre­ate beautiful, unusual instal­la­tions that take over each space that it inhabits.

see more here: valeriemolnar.com